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01 |
EMB_2015_01 |
Topic: Multirobot Control Using Time-Varying Density Functions
Abstract: An approach is presented for influencing teams of robots by means of time-varying density functions, representing rough references for where the robots should be located. A continuous-time coverage algorithm
2015 |
02 |
EMB_2015_02 |
Topic: Wall-Following Control of a Hexapod Robot Using a Data-Driven Fuzzy Controller Learned
Abstract: This paper proposes the use of evolutionary fuzzy control for a wall-following hexapod robot. The data driven fuzzy controller (FC) is learned through an adaptive group-based differential evolution (AGDE) algorithm, which avoids the explicit usage of the robot mathematical model and time-consuming manual design effort. In the wall following task, the inputs of the FC are measurements of three infrared distance sensors mounted on the hexapod robot. The FC controls the swing angle changes of the left- and right-middle legs of the hexapod robot for proper turning performance while simultaneously moving forward. To automate the design of the FC and to improve the performance of control, an AGDE algorithm is proposed. In the AGDE-designed FC, a cost function is defined to quantitatively evaluate the learning performance of an FC based on data generated online. In the AGDE, the solution vectors in a population are adaptively clustered into different groups based on their performances at each iteration. To improve optimization performance, the AGDE adaptively selects components from either the group-based mutant vector or a typical population-based mutant vector in the mutation operation. Simulated and experimental results are gathered to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the data-driven AGDE-based learning approach.
2015 |
03 |
EMB_2015_03 |
Topic: A Sensor-Based Dual-Arm Tele-Robotic System
Abstract: We present a novel system to achieve coordinated task-based control on a dual-arm industrial robot for the general tasks of visual servoing and bimanual hybrid motion/force control. The industrial robot, consisting of a rotating torso and two seven degree-of-freedom arms, performs autonomous vision-based target alignment of both arms with the aid of fiducial markers, two-handed grasping and force control, and robust
2015 |
04 |
EMB_2015_04 |
Topic: Automated Health Alerts Using In-Home Sensor Data for Embedded Health Assessment
Abstract: We present an example of unobtrusive, continuous monitoring in the home for the purpose
2015 |
05 |
EMB_2015_05 |
Topic: Security-Aware Modeling and Efficient Mapping for CAN-Based Real-Time Distributed Automotive Systems
Abstract: Security has become a critical issue for automotive electronic systems. To protect against attacks, security mechanisms have to be applied, but the overhead of those mechanisms may
2015 |
06 |
EMB_2015_06 |
Topic: Design and Operation of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems
Abstract: This letter proposes a holistic framework for the design and operation of secure and reliable resource-constrained cyber-physical systems. The proposed framework combines
2015 |
07 |
EMB_2015_07 |
Topic: Visual Servo Control Part I: Basic Approaches
Abstract: This article is the first of a two-part series on the topic of visual servo control using computer vision data in the servo loop to control the motion of a robot. In the present article, we describe the basic techniques that are by now well established in the field. We first give a general overview of the formulation of the visual servo control problem. We then describe the two archetypal visual servo control schemes: image-based and position-based visual servo control. Finally, we discuss performance and stability issues that pertain to these two schemes, motivating the second article in the
2015 |
08 |
EMB_2015_08 |
Topic: A Wearable Robot for the Hand with a Soft Tendon Routing System
Abstract: oft wearable robots are good alternatives to rigid-frame exoskeletons because they are compact and lightweight. This article describes a soft wearable hand robot called the Exo-Glove mechanism. The proposed system can be used to develop other types of soft wearable robots. The glove part of the system is compact and weighs 194 g. The results that uses a soft tendon routing system and an underactuation adaptive
2015 |
09 |
EMB_2015_09 |
Topic: Comparison of On-chip Communications in Zynq-7000 All Programmable Systems-on-Chip
Abstract: This letter analyses and compares on-chip interfaces for hardware/software communications in the Zynq-7000 all programmable systems-on-chip. Many experiments were carried out to evaluate the exchange of data between the processing system and the programmable logic through general-purpose and high-performance ports; the experiments were conducted for both standalone and Linux applications. The results enable the most effective interfaces for specific types of data to be identified and the effectiveness of Zynq-based hardware accelerators to be assessed.
2015 |
10 |
EMB_2015_10 |
Topic: Task-Aware Interrupt Controller: Priority Space Unification in Real-Time Systems
Abstract; In the development of real-time systems, predictability is often hindered by technological factors which break the timing abstractions offered by real time operating systems
2015 |
11 |
EMB_2015_11 |
Topic: Scheduling Dynamic Hard Real-Time Task Sets on Fully and Partially Reconfigurable Platforms
Abstract: Reconfigurable systems are increasingly being employed in a large class of today’s heterogeneous real-time embedded systems which often demand satisfaction of stringent timeliness constraints. However, executing a set of hard real-time applications on reconfigurable systems such that all timing
2015 |
12 |
EMB_2015_12 |
Topic: Exploiting Partially-Forgetful Memories for Approximate Computing
Abstract: While the memory subsystem is already a major contributor to energy consumption of embedded systems, the guard-banding required for masking the effects of ever increasing
2015 |
13 |
EMB_2015_13 |
Topic: Hibernus: Sustaining Computation During Intermittent Supply for Energy-Harvesting System
Abstract: A key challenge to the future of energy-harvesting systems is the discontinuous power supply that is often generated. We propose a new approach, Hibernus, which enables computation to be sustained during intermittent supply. The approach has a low energy and time overhead which is achieved by reactively
2015 |
14 |
EMB_2015_14 |
Topic: A Security Layer for Smartphone-to-Vehicle Communication Over Bluetooth
Abstract: Modern vehicles are increasingly being interconnected with computer systems, which collect information both from vehicular sources and Internet services. Unfortunately, this creates a nonnegligible attack surface, which extends when vehicles are partly operated via smartphones. In this letter, a
2015 |
15 |
EMB_2015_15 |
Topic: WSN-Based Smart Sensors and Actuator for Power Management in Intelligent Buildings
Abstract: The design and development of a smart monitoring and controlling system for household electrical appliances in real time has been reported in this paper. The system principally monitors electrical parameters of household appliances such as voltage and current and subsequently calculates the power consumed. The novelty of this system is the implementation of the controlling mechanism of appliances in different ways. The developed system is a low-cost and flexible in operation and thus can save electricity expense of the consumers. The prototype has been extensively tested in real-life situations and experimental results are very encouraging.
2015 |
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NEMB1425 |
Abstract: In traditional methodology to find the motion of human we have some devices like video camera, radar, ultrasonic sensor etc. In case of video camera another human have to continuously monitor the video. If we use radar or ultrasonic sensor, we need a transmitter and a receiver. So these are high in cost and most of the jamming techniques are there to cheat (i.e. stealth bomber planes). But there is another interesting sensing device used to find the motion of human (i.e.) PIR (Pyroelectric Infra Red sensor). It absorbs the infrared radiation (wave length of 9.4 micro meters) from the human body and creates a corresponding signal. As it has protection devices like lenses it is less suppose to be cheated. As this is sensitive only human body heat and frequency of radiation, this sensor can be used to find human upto 3 meter to 90 meter distance (using perfect Fresnel lenses). So it helps to find human availability beyond the barriers like walls and fire etc. It can be used as earth quake rescuer.
2014 |
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NEMB1424 |
Topic: Passenger BUS Alert System for Easy Navigation of Blind
Abstract: Talking signs, guide cane, echolocations are all useful in navigating the visually challenged people to reach their destination, but the main objective is not reached that it fails to join them with traffic. In this project we propose a bus system using wireless sensor networks (WSNs).The blind people in the bus station is provided with a ZigBee unit which is recognized by the ZigBee in the bus and the indication is made in the bus that the blind people is present in the station. So the bus stops at the particular station. The desired bus that the blind want to take is notified to him with the help of speech recognition system HM2007. The blind gives the input about the place he has to reach using microphones and the voice recognition system recognizes it .The input is then analyzed by the microcontroller which generates the bus numbers corresponding to the location provided by the blind. These bus numbers are converted into audio output using the voice synthesizer APR 9600. The ZigBee transceiver in the bus sends the bus number to the transceiver with the blind and the bus number is announced to the blind through the headphones. The blind takes the right bus parked in front of him and when the destination is reached it is announced by means of the GPS-634R which is connected with the controller and voice synthesizer which produces the audio output. This project is also aimed at helping the elder people for independent navigation.
2014 |
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NEMB1423 |
Topic: Autonomous Greenhouse Mobile Robot Driving Strategies From System Integration Perspective: Review and Application
Abstract: Agricultural operations are constantly becoming technology-driven mainly due to labor shortages, increase in labor cost, and trends in new and advanced technology applications. In this paper, we have presented a system-of-systems approach to design and development of a mobile robotic platform for agricultural applications. Similar to other field robots, the mobile platform for agricultural applications requires a different set of predefined attributes for its operation. We have designed, fabricated, and demonstrated the mobile platform for pesticide spraying application. The design and development includes synergistic integration of mechanical, sensor and actuator, navigational and control, and electronic and software interfacings. The autonomous navigation aspect of the development was achieved via three stages: learning stage, implementation stage (training stage), and testing stage. In the learning stage, we defined the path patterns and studied and recorded the behavior of the vehicle in real-world environment. In the training stage, various steering algorithms for four-wheel driving system were developed and inherent errors were compensated using advanced tools and methods. In the testing stage, we put the robotic platform on an arbitrary path pattern and demonstrated its success in autonomous navigation. The medium-sized mobile robot can be commercialized for greenhouse-based agricultural operations.
2014 |
4 |
NEMB1422 |
Topic: Autonomous Appliance Scheduling for Household Energy Management
Abstract: The advancement of renewable energy technologies has seen the emergence of customer owned grid tied wind and solar micro grids. These micro grids offer an opportunity to energy users to lower their energy costs as well as enabling the power suppliers to regulate the utility grid. However, the integration of the renewable energy based sources into the smart grid increases the complexity of the main grid. The success of this scheme will be heavily reliant on accurate real-time information exchange between the micro grid, the main grid, and the consumers. The communication between these agents will be critical in implementation of intelligent decisions by the smart grid. The micro grids will be required to relay energy forecasts information to the utility grid. Similarly, customers will be expected to submit energy demand schedules, to actively monitor energy price signals, to participate in energy bids, and to respond to energy management signals in real time. This kind of grid-user interaction will be overwhelming and could result in consumer apathy. There is therefore a need to develop smart systems that will autonomously execute all thesetasks without the prompting of the customers. This paper presents one such approach. In this study, we proposed a demand side energy management for a grid connected household with a locally generated photovoltaic energy. To ensure efficient household energy management, smart scheduling of electrical appliances has also been presented.
2014 |
5 |
NEMB1421 |
Topic: A Compact and Compliant External Pipe-Crawling Robot
Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the practical aspects of design, prototyping, and testing of a compact, compliant external pipe-crawling robot that can inspect a closely spaced bundle of pipes in hazardous environments and areas that are inaccessible to humans. The robot consists of two radially deployable compliant ring actuators that are attached to each other along the longitudinal axis of the pipe by a bidirectional linear actuator. The robot imitates the motion of an inchworm. The novel aspect of the compliant ring actuator is a spring-steel compliant mechanism that converts circumferential motion to radial motion of its multiple gripping pads. Circumferential motion to ring actuators is provided by two shape memory alloy (SMA) wires that are guided by insulating rollers. The design of the compliant mechanism is derived from a radially deployable mechanism. A unique feature of the design is that the compliant mechanism provides the necessary kinematic function within the limited annular space around the pipe and serves as the bias spring for the SMA wires. The robot has a control circuit that sequentially activates the SMA wires and the linear actuator; it also controls the crawling speed. The robot has been fabricated, tested, and automated. Its crawling speed is about 45 mm/min, and the weight is about 150 g. It fits within an annular space of a radial span of 15 mm to crawl on a pipe of 60-mm outer diameter.
2014 |
6 |
NEMB1420 |
Topic: O-Track: Towards Order Tracking for Tags in Mobile RFID Systems
Abstract: In many logistics applications of RFID technology, luggage attached with tags are placed on moving conveyor belts for processing. It is important to figure out the order of goods on the belts so that further actions like sorting can be accurately taken on proper goods. Due to arbitrary goods placement or the irregularity of wireless signal propagation, neither of the order of tag identification nor the received signal strength provides sufficient evidence on their relative positions on the belts. In this study, we observe, from experiments, a critical region of reading rate when a tag gets close enough to a reader. This phenomenon, as well as other signal attributes, yields the stable indication of tag order. We establish a probabilistic model for recognizing the transient critical region and propose the OTrack protocol to continuously monitor the order of tags. To validate the protocol, we evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness through a one-month experiment conducted through a working conveyor at BeijingCapital International Airport.
2014 |
7 |
NEMB1419 |
Topic: Portable Roadside Sensors for Vehicle Counting, Classification, and Speed Measurement
Abstract: This paper focuses on the development of a portable roadside magnetic sensor system for vehicle counting, classification, and speed measurement. The sensor system consists of wireless anisotropic magnetic devices that do not require to be embedded in the roadway—the devices are placed next to the roadway and measure traffic in the immediately adjacent lane. An algorithm based on a magnetic field model is proposed to make the system robust to the errors created by larger vehicles driving in the nonadjacent lane. These false calls cause an 8% error if uncorrected. The use of the proposed algorithm reduces this error to only 1%. Speed measurement is based on the calculation of the cross correlation between longitudinally spaced sensors. Fast computation of the cross correlation is enabled by using frequency-domain signal processing techniques. An algorithm for automatically correcting for any small misalignment of the sensors is utilized. A high-accuracy differential Global Positioning System is used as a reference to measure vehicle speeds to evaluate the accuracy of the speed measurement from the new sensor system. The results show that the maximum error of the speed estimates is less than 2.5% over the entire range of 5–27 m/s (11–60 mi/h). Vehicle classification is done based on the magnetic length and an estimate of the average vertical magnetic height of the vehicle. Vehicle length is estimated from the product of occupancy and estimated speed. The average vertical magnetic height is estimated using two magnetic sensors that are vertically spaced by 0.25 m. Finally, it is shown that the sensor system can be used to reliably count the number of right turns at an intersection, with an accuracy of 95%. The developed sensor system is compact, portable, wireless, and inexpensive. Data are presented from a large number of vehicles on a regular busy urban road in the Twin Cities, MN,USA.
2014 |
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NEMB1418 |
Topic: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of GNSS Signals for Electronic Toll Collection
Abstract: Various road user charging mechanisms are used to control traffic and its resulting pollution, as well as revenue sources for reinvestment in the road infrastructure. Among them, electronic toll collection (ETC) systems based on user positions estimated with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are particularly attractive due to their flexibility and reduced roadside infrastructure in comparison to other systems such as tollbooths. Because GNSS positioning may be perturbed by different errors and failures, ETC systems, as liability critical applications, should monitor the integrity of GNSS signals in order to limit the use of faulty positions and the consequent charging errors. The integrity-monitoring systems have been originally designed for civil aviation; hence, they need to be adapted to the ETC requirements. This paper studies the use of receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), which are algorithms run within the GNSS receiver and, therefore, are easier to tune to ETC needs than other systems based on external information. The weighted least squares residual RAIM used in civil aviation is analyzed, and an algorithm modification for ETC is proposed. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed RAIM algorithm has a superior level of availability over civil-aviation-based RAIM procedures, particularly in urban environments.
2014 |
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NEMB1417 |
Topic: A Decentralized Cooperative Control Scheme with Obstacle Avoidance for a Team of Mobile Robots
Abstract: The problem of formation control of a team of mobile robots based on the virtual and behavioral structures is considered in this paper. In the virtual structure, each mobile robot is modeled by an electric charge. The mobile robots move toward a circle and due to repulsive forces between the identical charges, regular polygon formations of the mobile robots will be realized. For swarm formation, a virtual mobile robot is located at the center of the circle, and other mobile robots follow it. In the introduced approach, each mobile robot finds its position in the formation, autonomously, and the formation can change automatically in the case of change in the number of the mobile robots. This paper also proposes a technique for avoiding obstacles based on the behavioral structure. In this technique, when a mobile robot gets close to an obstacle, while moving toward its target, a rotational potential field is applied to lead the mobile robot to avoid the obstacle, without locating in local minima positions.
2014 |
10 |
NEMB1416 |
Topic: Circuit Design and Power Consumption Analysis of Wireless Gas Sensor Nodes: One-Sensor Versus Two-Sensor Approach
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently been applied in industrial monitoring applications including hazardous gases detection. As a major power consumer of a node, gas sensors may significantly constrain its lifetime. Hence, the sensing circuit must be carefully designed to optimize performance and retain accuracy. In this paper, we propose for the first time the principle of gas concentration measurement based on a single sensor in a voltage divider circuit, instead of the well-known Wheatstone bridge sensing circuit, which employs two sensors. We discuss the design of a real WSN node for gas sensing and evaluate it with respect to an identical platform that uses the Wheatstone bridge. The proposed approach ensures significant energy savings and helps to avoid zero offset issue. Besides, we employ a more efficient and secure sensor heating profile; it does not damage the sensor and does not make gas sensing dependent on environmental conditions. Experimental results show a 30% reduction in power with respect to the state-of-the-art.
2014 |
11 |
NEMB1415 |
Topic: RFID in underground Mining Service applications
Abstract: The mining industry employs more than three million people and exports more than US$26 billion worth of minerals and related materials each year. RFID offers numerous advantages for mining and related industries, where hostile environments make it desirable to track personnel closely for safety reasons (for more information on RFID, see the sidebar). RFID can also help manage and control a fleet of mine vehicles, which is especially beneficial given the increased use of remotely directed units. Close control of hazardous materials, such as explosives and detonators, is also critical in mining operations, presenting new opportunities for RFID. |
2014 |
12 |
NEMB1414 |
Topic: Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness From Driving Signals
Abstract: The development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs) will be a crucial element in the construction of future intelligent transportation systems with the objective of reducing the number of traffic accidents and their subsequent fatalities. Specifically, driving behaviors could be monitored online to determine the crash risk and provide warning information to the driver via their ADAS. In this paper, we focus on aggressiveness as one of the potential causes of traffic accidents. We demonstrate that aggressiveness can be detected by monitoring external driving signals such as lateral and longitudinal accelerations and speed. We model aggressiveness as a linear filter operating on these signals, thus scaling their probability distribution functions and modifying their mean value, standard deviation, and dynamic range. Next, we proceed to validate this model via an experiment, conducted under real driving conditions, involving ten different drivers, traveling a route with five different types of road sections, subject to both smooth and aggressive behaviors. The obtained results confirm the validity of the model of aggressiveness. In addition, they show the generality of this model and its applicability to specific driving signals (speed, longitudinal, and lateral accelerations), every single driver, and every road type. Finally, we build a classifier capable of detecting aggressive behavior from the driving signal. This classifier achieves a success rate up to 92%.
2014 |
13 |
NEMB1413 |
Topic: Performance of Drivable Path Detection System of Autonomous Robots in Rain and snow Scenario
Abstract: Drivable path detection is an important factor to consider for a successful development of autonomous robot which is characterized as an intelligent vehicle. Researchers using different vision-based techniques have achieved remarkable result toward drivable path detection. Regardless of this achievement, environmental noise such as rain and/or snow can cause misdetection of drivable path which can lead to autonomous robot accident. In this paper, after investigating the effects of rain and/or snow, we introduced into the drivable path detection system a filtering algorithm that addresses the detection and removal of rain and/or snow for the optimization of the system. Experiments were carried out to show the effectiveness of the filter in the system. The results show that filtering algorithm assists the autonomous driving system in navigating perfectly during rain and/or snow scenario with minimal accident.
2014 |
14 |
NEMB1412 |
Topic: Motion Planning of Multi-docking System for Intelligent Mobile Robots
Abstract : The article develops a multi-docking system with a mobile robot and three docking stations. The docking structure is designed with one active degree of freedom and two passive degrees of freedom. The controller of the power detection devices is HOLTEK microchip, and acquires measurement values of the real-time current and voltage of the mobile robot and the docking stations. The power detection devices contain three power detection systems and one power detection module. The power detection system is embedded in the docking station and monitors the real-time information for the charging process. The controller of the mobile robot receives these measurement values from the power detection module via RS232 interface. The article focuses on the searching process using multiple sensors and a laser range finder for the mobile robot. The laser range finder searches the landmark of each docking station, and guides the mobile robot moving to the assigned docking station. In the experimental results, the power of the mobile robot is under the threshold value. The mobile robot selects the free and nearest docking station according to the received information from each docking station via wireless RF interfaces. The laser range finder guides the mobile robot moving approach to the assigned docking station. The power of the mobile robot is enough to be detected by the power detection module. The docking station turns off the charging current, and trigs the mobile robot leaving the docking station via wireless RF interface.
2014 |
15 |
NEMB1411 |
Topic: A GSM-based Versatile Unmanned Ground Vehicle Abstract: Operations like radioactive waste handling, bomb disposal, surveillance, search and rescue are today performed mostly by humans at great risk to their own safety and wellbeing. In order to minimize direct human intervention in such operations, the design of a remotely operated versatile Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) mounted with a robotic manipulator is presented in this paper. The robustness, range and security of the communication link between the remote base station and the robot, obstacle avoidance and the real time control of the robot are some of the major issues encountered while deploying such robots in the above scenarios. In this paper, the design of a versatile UGV which leverages the already existing GSM mobile telephony network to establish a longrange, secure, fast and reliable connection with the remote base station is presented. The UGV is also mounted with a robotic manipulator with four degrees of freedom with a gripper type end-effector, which can be used for grabbing objects and thus help in search and rescue type operations. The robot is equipped with IR sensors and camera for obstacle detection and avoidance. The camera is also used to send the visual information back to the base station in real-time, allowing accurate control of and monitoring over long distances.
2014 |
16 |
NEMB1410 |
Topic: Application of Fire Monitoring and Personnel Evacuation in Subway Station Based on Wireless Sensor Network
Abstract: It is a common topic to apply the fire monitoring and personnel evacuation in fire safety field of inside building. But there are few applying researches on fire safety field of underground building, especially in subway station fire. This paper made a trial application of WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) technology into fire monitoring and personnel evacuation during subway station fire, and built a synthetic system of fire monitoring and personnel evacuation based on some advanced algorithms. And the system has been proved to work effectively in monitoring fire and directing the distressed people and rescuers to evacuate in the subway station fire. |
2014 |
17 |
NEMB1409 |
Topic: Design of an Intelligent Security Robot for Collision Free Navigation Applications
Abstract: Robotics industry has replaced human efforts gradually in performing rather difficult tasks. A very pertinent aspect of an intelligent security robot is to reach the goal safely by avoiding unknown obstacles in an unknown environment. In this paper we have developed an embedded C program code to design an intelligent robot which can overcome the obstacles coming in its way. We have made use of three infrared sensors to detect the obstacles via the IR communication technique. The IR transmitter sends out infrared radiation in a direction which consequently bounces back on coming across the surface of an object and thereafter is picked up by the IR receiver. Authors have applied a multi sensor integration technique to sense the obstacles using an LED based IR transmitter and receiver module integrated with the 8051 micro controller which permits collision free navigation of robots.
2014 |
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NEMB1408 |
Abstract: To prevent non-licensees from driving and therefore causing accidents, a new system is proposed. An important and very reliable human identification method is fingerprint identification. Fingerprint identification is one of the most popular and reliable personal biometric identification methods. The proposed system consists of a smart card capable of storing the fingerprint of particular person. While issuing the license, the specific person’s fingerprint is to be stored in the card. Vehicles such as cars, bikes etc should have a card reader capable of reading the particular license. The same automobile should have the facility of fingerprint reader device. A person, who wishes to drive the vehicle, should insert the card (license) in the vehicle and then swipe his/her finger. If the finger print stored in the card and fingerprint swiped in the device matches, he/she can proceed for ignition, otherwise ignition will not work. Moreover, the seat belt detector verifies and then prompts the user to wear the seat belt before driving. This increases the security of vehicles and also ensures safe driving by preventing accidents.
2014 |
19 |
NEMB1407 |
Topic: Authenticating Vehicles and Drivers in Motion Based on Computer Vision and RFID Tags
Abstract: A system consisting of a vehicle interior-mounted device and a supporting infrastructure is designed to allow authorized drivers and authorized vehicles to access restricted areas of the airports, as well as government, office and private parking facilities. The device authenticates to the infrastructure using its own digital certificate, while the driver authenticates through the digital certificate stored on his or her smart card inserted into the device. The system can be configured to work with and without additional biometric verification of the driver.
2014 |
20 |
NEMB1406 |
Abstract: The embedded system innovation has the close and indivisible relationship with the environment science aesthetics. This paper deals with a simple, easy to install, microcontroller-based circuit to monitor and record the value of temperature, humidity, soil moisture and sunlight of the natural environment that are continuously modified and controlled in order optimize them to achieve maximum plant growth and yield. The controller communicates with the various sensor modules in real-time in order to control the light, aeration and drainage process efficiently inside a greenhouse by actuating a cooler, fogger, dripper and lights respectively according to the necessary condition of the crops. The environmental is the important resource that guides the environmental development of embedded system, and an important guarantee that makes the embedded system develop and innovate along healthy, scientific environmental road. This makes the proposed system to be an economical, portable and a low maintenance solution for greenhouse application, especially in rural areas and for small scale agriculturists.
2014 |
21 |
NEMB1405 |
Topic: A Novel Design For Vehicle License Plate Detection and Recognition
Abstract: License plate recognition (LPR) plays a major role in this busy world, as the number of vehicles increases day by day, theft of vehicles, breaking traffic rules, entering restricted area are also increases linearly, so to block this act license plate recognition system is designed. License Plate Recognition systems basically consist of 3 main processing steps such as: Detection of number plate, Segmentation of plate characters and Recognition of each character. Among this, character segmentation is a most challenging task, as the accuracy of the character recognition relies on the accuracy of the character segmentation. Problems of different lighting condition, adhesion, fracture, rivet, rotation degrades the accuracy of the character segmentation. So in order to come these problems and uplift the accuracy of character segmentation various algorithms are developed for this work. This thesis presents a robust method of license plate location, segmentation and reorganization of the characters present in the located plate. The images of various vehicles have been acquired and converted in to gray-scale images. Then noise present in the plates are removed and the segmentation of gray scale image generated by finding edges for smoothing image is used to reduce the number of connected component and then bw label is used to calculate the connected component. Finally, single character in the license plate is detected. The aim is to show that the proposed method achieved high accuracy by optimizing various parameters with higher recognition rate than the traditional methods.
2014 |
22 |
NEMB1404 |
Topic: Vision-Based Path Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robots using Linear Matrix Inequalities
Abstract: In this paper, a vision-based obstacle avoiding path generation problem is considered for autonomous mobile robots under a top-view workspace. The collision-free path planning problem is converted to a convex optimization problem that can be solved numerically using linear matrix inequalities (LMI). A new optimal (shortest) path cost formulation is given for LMI optimization using a novel Line of Sight Meshing (LSM) method. As compared to the traditional meshing algorithms such as Voronoi and Delaunay, the LSM generates fewer mesh cells which results in reduced computation time. A virtual path diagram (VPD), consisting of all collision-free piecewise straight line paths, is then found for robot navigation. The LMI optimization method is then used to find the optimal (shortest) collision-free path from the VPD set. In addition to distance, other constraints, such as terrain condition and curvature of the path can be incorporated in the cost function for constrained optimal solution. Finally, a rapid prototyping (RP) environment has been developed, which is used for hardware implementation of the algorithm. The generated paths are then converted to motion commands, which are sent wirelessly from a base-station to mobile robots for motion control.
2014 |
23 |
NEMB1403 |
Topic: Design of Tracked Robot with Remote Control for Surveillance
Abstract: For specific purpose, tracked robot that can be controlled remotely and able to acquire images from environment is very important, for example in rescuing disaster victims. We propose architecture for Raspberry pi and AVR based mobile robot that can be controlled by low cost remote controller Integrated Circuits(IC) and able to avoid obstacles using ultrasonic distance sensor. This prototype also can be used for education and research in the university. We evaluate the performance of the robot in terms of the distance and the capability to deliver video streaming from the output raspberry pi and 2.4 GHz Video transmitter.
2014 |
24 |
NEMB1402 |
Abstract: The Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria has become menace and threat to the security of lives and property most especially in the Northern part of the country. The use of Bombs and dangerous unsuspected objects is the weapon employed to carry out this deadly act. The number of lives lost as well as personnel who sustain injuries while discharging their duties is now on the increase as a result of lack of initial assessment of a dreadful scene or an object suspected to be harmful. Though preventive and counter attacking measures, such as use of protective vest have been employed to reduce the risk experienced; these however do not guarantee safety which can run into huge cost to restore in terms of infrastructures and properties. Hence this paper proposes the development of a robotic arm for dangerous object disposal. A three-degree of freedom robotic arm was developed using a microcontroller programmed with (MPLAB) integrated development environment software, interfaced to a camera that transmits the video by way of monitoring the scene on a television set. The system is activated by a remote control thereby providing a line of defense to human lives and preventing loss of proven and tested personnel. |
2014 |
25 |
NEMB1401 |
Topic: The House Intelligent Switch Control Network Based on CAN Bus
Abstract: In this paper a building lighting intelligent switch control network is presented, which is based on CAN bus. According to the safety ,stability and real time, the digital signals are used for the control unit, and the CAN bus is used as a communication of a distributed control network. A 16-bit MCU msp430f169 is used as the control unit, and the communication between the nodes is based on CAN bus. This paper mainly introduces the design of the hardware and the software in detail. The experimental result shows this network system with high safety, stability and strong anti-jamming capability with practical significance and market value.
2014 |
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MEMB1470 |
Abstract: Here is a dual-mode robot that can be operated manually using an RF based remote controlled and can also move automatically avoiding all the obstacles. The robot has some inbuilt intelligence to avoided obstacles by changing its path.
2014 |
2 |
MEMB1469 |
Abstract: It wait for your hand movement, if you hand moves to down direction car moves to forward , if someone come towards the car, the car automatically stop, at this movement we run our car left, right, and back not to forward because if strike to the front object. if obstacle is disappear then, our car run forward, if someone come in left hand side of the car, our car automatically run slightly to right hand side, to avoid the obstacle, and run forward, or some obstacle come right hand side of the car, our car automatically run slightly left hand side, to avoid the obstacle, and run forward, if you move up your hand it starts run back, if you hand is left hand side your car run left hand side, if your hand is right hand side then car run to right hand side. If your hand is on middle you car is stop.
2014 |
3 |
MEMB1468 |
Abstract: This project is consist with RF transmitter and RF-RECIVER, so we operate it from 100/200 meters and work even through walls, you can control large AC and DC loads and many appliances through relay, including lights, fans, AC system, home appliances, garage doors, door locks, sprinklers, and motorized projection screen
2014 |
4 |
MEMB1467 |
Abstract: The circuit presented here can be used as a lock for important electronic and its mechanism, depending upon the positions of the holes punched on the card, a particular appliance is switched on. The card is inserted just like a CD is pushed inside the disk drive. It is rectangular in shape with holes Punched on it. The electronic lock is connected to an access control system, which ensures that only the selected appliance is switched on and prevents false operation of the system.
2014 |
5 |
MEMB1466 |
Abstract: As we read in the news paper that the one train get hit from the another train due to fogy session, this type of accident is held on winter session, when Driver not seen the RED signal. This problem is reduced by this project, this project automatically off the train engine on the red light, and on the train Engine of green light. Driver run the train only on the green light, it never run the engine when red signal is on.
6 |
MEMB1465 |
Abstract: Now-a-days every institution needs automation. As a part of college automation, we have decided to do a project Voice Interactive System for College Automation. Our project allows the user to know the student's attendance and marks quickly through the telephone line without the intention of the college authority. In the hardware side embedded system has been used. A 20 pin microcontroller 89C2051 is used because of its compatibility with our hardware. This microcontroller controls the whole hardware. Telephone line is used for communication purpose. Visual Basic has been used for software programming. Presentation in the class and outcome of the university are made reachable to the parents by our project. It will be very obliging to the parents to be acquainted with their son's/daughter's recital in the college.
2014 |
7 |
MEMB1464 |
Topic: HEART RATE MONITOR Abstract: Heart rate can be measured either by the ECG waveform or by the blood flow into the finger (pulse method). The pulse method is simple and convenient. When blood flows during the systolic stroke of the heart into the body parts, the finger gets its blood via the radial artery on the arm. The blood flow into the finger can be sensed photo electrically. To count the heart beats, here we use a small light source on one side of the finger (thumb) and observe the change in light intensity on the other side. The blood flow causes variation in light intensity reaching the light dependent resistor (LDR), which results in change in signal strength due to change in the resistance of the LDR.’
2014 |
8 |
MEMB1463 |
Abstract: We can ON/OFF the eight devices from any part of the world using internet, we check the Status of the each device, can our tube light, bulb, switch is ON or OFF, We also send the three message to the system, all three message will display on lcd using micro controller.
2014 |
9 |
MEMB1462 |
1. Features as follows. 2. Close the gate from safe distance when train comes near unmanned rail gate (crossing). 3. Gate will automatically close when train is passed. 4. This project is work from both sides. 5. Message and direction will display on LCD. 6. Buzzer on when train come and off when it passed. 7. We also implement in foggy (cold) days it will automatically off the train engine on red light.
2014 |
10 |
MEMB1461 |
Abstract: Traffic light intervals are fixed independent of traffic movement. So sometimes large red light delay cause traffic congestion. Here is a microcontroller based intelligent traffic light system that reduces the possibility of traffic jams caused by traffic light delays to an extent. Microcontroller counts the number of vehicles passing the road. Based on the vehicle count, the system has three traffic profiles-low, medium and high. The system contains different traffic light intervals (red, yellow, and green light delays in seconds) for different traffic profiles. After calculating the traffic profiles , Depending on the number of vehicles passing trough the IR system in a predefined controlling interval (e.g. one minute). It further controls the timing of traffic Lights. After the controlling interval lapses, the vehicle count is reinitialized to zero to calculate the traffic profile again in the next controlling interval. The lcd Display current profile delay (RED, YELLOW, GREEN), current profile (LOW, MID, HIGH), running time of the system (HH:MM:SS), and also display how Many vehicles were passed (VEH:05 ) and so on.
2014 |
11 |
MEMB1460 |
Abstract: Here is a circuit that lets you operate your home appliances like lights and water pump from your office or any other remote place. S0 if you forgot to switch off the lights or other appliances while going out, it helps you to turn off the appliance with your cell phone. Your cell phone works as the remote control for your home appliances. You can control the desired appliance by pressing the corresponding key. The system also gives you voice acknowledgement of the appliance status.
2014 |
12 |
MEMB1459 |
Abstract: It will save school children from car fire due to LPG leakage in schoo l car/van/ taxi etc. when this system detect LPG leakage in car it will automatically off the engine, after repairing the LPG leakage it will allow to start the engine.
2014 |
13 |
MEMB1458 |
Abstract: This project is used for deny entry from alcoholic people in ladies parties, temples, hospitals, highways, school, college etc. |
2014 |
14 |
MEMB1457 |
Abstract: This project takes 8 different inputs for 8 different users / rooms. And glow 8 different LEDs as per room number, for example room no. 1 wants service from peon. Corresponding led1 is glow, after providing the service peon off the LED by pressing room number key, it also on the alarm when any user press the button.
2014 |
15 |
MEMB1456 |
Features are as follows. 1. Close the gate from safe distance when train comes near unmanned rail gate (crossing). 2. Gate will automatically close when train is passed. 3. This project is work from both sides. 4. Message and direction will display on LCD. 5. Buzzer on when train come and off when it passed. 6. We also implement so many things as per your budget.
2014 |
16 |
MEMB1455 |
Abstract: In most of the modern manufacturing and processing industries, there is complete industrial automation through sophisticate hardware and software like programmable logic controller (PLC), distributed control system (DCS), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). Microcontroller-based embedded systems play major role in industrial automation. One such widely used system is the programmable timer. The major applications of programmable timer are as follows: 1. initiating the process after desired time. 2. Switching on/ off the process after predetermined time 3. Providing delay in between processes 4. Applying input to on/off type open-loop control system depending upon the requirement of process, one can set the time of programmable timer. As the time period expires, the timer will either trigger 01'shut the process. Earlier there were mechanical timers that used gear assembly (same as wall clock) and mechanical contacts. But the problem with these was that due to mechanical parts and movements, they were not durable. Electronic timers have become very popular as these have more functionalities and long operating life. A simple electronic timer can be to enhance the programmable timer for generating precise timing and additional features, micro controllers (embedded controllers) are used with peripheral devices. Some of the features of programmable industrial on/ off timer presented here include: 1. Time set from 1 to 60 seconds (canbe extended) 2.. 'On' time and' off' time can beprogrammed (from 1 to 60 seconds 3. Repeat (continuous) and single operation 4. Fully remote-controlled within 100-metre range 5. User-friendly front-panel controls and display panel with LCD 6. Emergency stop buttons (on control panel as well as on remote) 7. Provision of potential-free relay contacts for connecting any 230VAC at lOA or 28V DC at lOA device/ application
2014 |
17 |
MEMB1454 |
Abstract: This project is used to communicate / Transmits a alpha numeric message from one place to another place through wireless media, first we encrypted the message and then transmit it, from wireless tx. At receiving side we decrypted it and matching the code also if, both are match message will display on LCD.
2014 |
18 |
MEMB1453 |
Abstract: This project is used to check the Basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR). You can check the following IC's 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7486 Visual Basic Program is used to show the results on the PC. The Microcontroller AT89S52 receives the IC number from the PC and checks the Gates IC with the Truth table and sent back the result to the PC.
2014 |
19 |
MEMB1452 |
Abstract: This Project INFRARED REMOTE SWITCH USING MICROCONTROLLER is used to switch on/off the Home Appliances by using a standard Remote control. The system is used to switch on/off unto eight electrical devices. All the above processes are controlled by the 8 bit Microcontroller AT89C2051. The Microcontroller receives the Infrared Signal from the receiver and it decodes and switch on/off the appropriate Device. The Range of the system is unto 10 meters. The system works on Phillips RC5 format. The project can switch on/off electrical devices of maximum load current of 5Amperes. High power loads can also be connected by changing the Relay. The Microcontroller is used to receive the Infrared signal from the Transmitter, the received signal is processed by the Microcontroller and according to the signal the corresponding device is switched ON/OFF.
2014 |
20 |
MEMB1451 |
Abstract: Now-a-days Electronic voting machines are being used effectively. The confidence of the voter in its flawless working is gradually building up and these machines are thus becoming quite popular throughout the country. Features of the electronic voting machine include avoidance of invalid votes and reduction of counting time and the consequent expenditure incurred on manpower deployment. By using the Microcontroller the voting machine can be built up easily and it will make simple to operate. |
21 |
MEMB1450 |
Abstract: There are several ways to measure distance without contact. One way is to use ultrasonic waves at 40 kHz for distance measurement.
2014 |
22 |
MEMB1449 |
Abstract: Security is a prime concern in our day-to-day life. And access control system forms a vital link in a security chain. The microcontroller - based digital lock presented here is an access control system that allows only authorized persons to access a restricted area. When someone tries to enter the restricted area by entering invalid passwords continuously, the system locks itself and can be unlocked only by the master user. This means this system have two passwords, the system comprises a small electronic unit with a numeric keypad, which is fixed outside the entry door to control a relay/solenoid-operated lock. When an authorized person enters a predetermined number (password) via the keypad, the relay energies for a limited time to unlock the solenoid operated lock, so door can be pushed/ pulled open. At the end of the preset delay, the re lay de -energies and the door get locked again. A prompt message is displayed on the LCD module. And we modified this project as per student requirement.
2014 |
23 |
MEMB1448 |
Abstract: This is an wireless system, consist with TX and RX, the tx is always with you as key ring,, so no one can access this device, but if someone pick your tx, the rx take password, if password is entered three time wrong, the system is locked, it unlocked by system administrator One sysadm provide right password the system can un locked otherwise system not work. Range between Tx and Rx approx 3-10 mtrs.(use full in cars/ house/ etc).
2014 |
24 |
MEMB1447 |
Abstract: The project will run on both Windows-98 and Windows-XP, This project not used parallel port, it used rs232 (serial port) for interfacing, in parallel we cannot transmitted data more the then 1-5 meters, but in serial communication we can transmit data more than 50 -100 meters, and parallel port based project off automatically when we off our pc but, this project not have this problem, in parallel port based we can control max 8 to 12 device. But in this we can control 30 or more. This project also give you status that which device is in or off, we can modified this project as per requirement of students.
2014 |
25 |
MEMB1446 |
Abstract: RSEB cuts lights according timetable time table, say 10:00 am automatically cut light of Area 1, at 1:00pm automatically light on a t area 1, at 1:00 pm automatically light cut of area 2, at 3:00 pm automatically light on at area 2 and so no for many area. This project work on hh:mm:ss format so we can cut for miniutes as well as for seconds, and we can cut/restore the power for more than one area. We can modified this project as per requirement of students.
2014 |
26 |
MEMB1445 |
Topic: TEMPRATURE DEPENDENT FAN Abstract: This is new generation fan its speed increase and decrease depending upon temperature. It have both automatically/Remotely Controlled, It also controlled by wire less system also.
2014 |
27 |
MEMB1444 |
Abstract: When water in the tank is below sensor A, the motor will switch on to fill water in the tank. The LCD module will show 'motor on.' The controller is programmer for a 10- minute time interval to check the dry-run condition of the motor. If water reaches sensor B within 10 minutes, the micro controller comes out of the dry-run condition and allows the motor to keep pushing water in the tank. The motor will remain 'on' until water reaches sensor C. Then it will stop automatically and the microcontroller will go into the standby mode. The LCD module will II show 'tank full' followed by 'standby mode' after a few seconds. The 'standby mode' message is displayed until water and if the dry-run condition still persists, the display will show' drysump3' and the micro controller will not start the motor automatically. Now you have to check the line for water and manually reset the microcontroller to start operation. In the whole procedure, the micro controller checks for high and low voltages. For example, when the voltage is high, it will scan for about two seconds to check whether it is a fluctuation. If the voltage remains high after two seconds, the microcontroller will halt running of the motor. Now it will wait for the voltage to settle down. After the voltage becomes normal, it will still check for 90 seconds whether the voltage is normal or not. After normal condition, it will go in the standby mode and start the aforementioned procedure.
2014 |
28 |
MEMB1443 |
Abstract: Moves with its two wheels and makes use of infrared emitting diodes as its eyes to avoid obstacles along its path. Smart pathfinder robot automatically makes a left turn the moment it detects an object in its path. It continues to move forward again when no obstacle is in the way.
2014 |
29 |
MEMB1442 |
Abstract: We present here is an elementary robotic land rover that can be controlled remotely using primarily the RF mode. The RF remote control has the advantage of adequate range (up to 200 metres with proper antennae) besides being omni directional. On the other hand, an IR remote would function over a limited range of about 5 metres and the remote transmitter has to be oriented towards the receiver module quite precisely. Cost involved in using RF modules is much higher than of IR components and as such, we have included the replacement alternative of RF modules with their IR counterparts for using the IR remote control. The proposed land rover can move in forward and reverse directions. You would also be able to steer it towards left and right directions. FORWARD, REVERSE, LEFT, RIGHT, STOP CONTROLLED BY RF/INFRA RED.
2014 |
30 |
MEMB1441 |
Abstract: With the help of RF remote control we run the robot in FORWARD, REVERSE, LEFT, RIGHT, STOP CONTROLLED. We also attach RF camera with Robot, to see what is going on the remote location.
2014 |
31 |
MEMB1440 |
Abstract: We can control our robot with mobile phone, it can move left, right, forward, backward, stop. |
2014 |
32 |
MEMB1439 |
Abstract: This project is designed to make unattended automatic toll tax stations at check barriers check posts automatic toll tax, it work like pre-pad toll tax system, if open the gate when authorized person with money charged in it card.
2014 |
33 |
MEMB1438 |
Abstract: The parallel port of the PC is a powerful platform for implementing projects dealing with the control of real-world peripherals. It can be used to control home and other electronic appliances. The computer program through the interface circuit controls the relays, which, in turn, switch the appliances' on' or 'off.' Here we describe how to wirelessly control electronic appliances from a remote place by using the RF module. For this PC-based wireless appliances control system, you need to design and develop .the required hardware and software. The parallel port of the PC is used to control the appliances at the transmitter side. The RF interface is used instead of the IR to overcome all the drawbacks of the IR interface. The PC signals are transmitted from the RF transmitter and received by the RF receiver.
2014 |
34 |
MEMB1437 |
Abstract: If we provide right password our device will on other wise device not on, and it will give only three Chances, if any one try more than three times, buzzer automatically on, and full system goes hang. What is going on all display on 16x2 lcd.
2014 |
35 |
MEMB1436 |
Abstract: Useful for quiz games, dumb charades, etc, this fastest -finger- first circuit displays the player number along with a beep sound when a specific player presses the button before others. It is designed for seven players and can be constructed easily using minimal hardware and software. When the microcontroller receives an input from any of the seven tactile switches (Sl through S7), it disables the inputs from rest of the switches assigned to other players. A master reset control (switch SO) has to be pressed to enable all the inputs for the next round of the quiz.
2014 |
36 |
MEMB1435 |
Abstract: This project is used for on/off the 220v ac device as per the time, we provide the input as per time, After the time complete the system automatically on/off the device, we can start, stop, time + -, reset the system by pressing the switch.
2014 |
37 |
MEMB1434 |
Abstract: The Wireless Device Control project can control numerous devices from one point. Four to eight devices can be easily controlled with the help of the project. The Blue tooth or Infra red based transmitter and Blue tooth or Infra red based receiver are used to control the performance of the project and restricts the use of wires. The software can only be controlled by a single person, which makes it a secure feature of the device. Nobody except the concerned person can operate the project.
2014 |
38 |
MEMB1433 |
Abstract: This is automatically system for advance farming. It has following features. 1. It automatically ON the lights/heater to maintain heat lever for plants. 2. It automatically ON and OFF the water pumps as per soil water level. 3. It displays current temperature also.
2014 |
39 |
MEMB1432 |
Abstract: When we go away from our house this project will work as a watch man. It will on the light as per time specified, Basically It is based on RTC (real time clock). It will display time as well as store 8 different time according your 8 time specified it will auto matically on the device and off the device automatically.
2014 |
40 |
MEMB1431 |
Abstract: Every one knows “save electricity save money”, this project will help for saving money by stopping the misuse of electricity, When no one is not in room it will automatically off the light / fan etc. If some one come in the room it will make on the light if night / or lowlight, and make a fan on if cold, so on student can change this project as he/she like.
2014 |
41 |
MEMB1430 |
Abstract: This micro controller based project can be used for preventing unauthorized access to devices or solenoid-operated locks/electrical devices. This code lock can be used as a multi-user code lock, where the users can access respective devices by entering the device number followed by the password. The password can be changed by the user and no external supply is needed to retain the password. The password length for each device can be between 4 to 15 d igits, as desired by the user.
2014 |
42 |
MEMB1429 |
Abstract: This project is use to control the rotation of a DC stepper motor in clockwise and anti-clock wise direction. It can be used in many applications including machine control and robotics for controlling the axial rotations in XY plane. A similar circuit can be added to control the rotation of the motor in either XZ or YZ plane. This embedded system off the motor with off button. Run motor clockwise or anticlockwise. Speed control (+ -)
2014 |
43 |
MEMB1428 |
Abstract: Dc motor speed controllers are very useful for controlling the motion of robotic and industrial automation systems. The controller presented here uses the pulse-width modulation (PWM) technique. The PWM wave for speed control is generated using Atmel AT89C52 microcontroller. To control the speed of the DC motor, you need a variable -voltage DC power source. When the DC motor is switched on, it takes certain time to reach the full speed. As soon as the power supply is switched on, the DC motor starts gaining speed and if you switch off the power supply before it reaches the maximum rated speed, it starts to slow down. In case switching on and switching off are done in quick succession, the motor rotates at a slower speed between zero and full rated speed. This is what a PWM technique based controller does: it switches the motor' on' and 'off' with a pulse train. To control the motor speed, it varies (modulates) the width of the pulses-hence the pulse width modulation. When the motor is, on‟ for a short period and 'off' for a long one, it will rotate slowly. When the motor is 'on' for most of the time and' off' only for a short while, it will rotate at higher speed, say, nearly at full (maximum) rated speed.
2014 |
44 |
MEMB1427 |
Abstract: This system take a input from dam and display in the LCD, if water is greater than danger level it will make a buzzer on and open the gate so water follow to safe area. |
2014 |
45 |
MEMB1426 |
Abstract: In manual flush system the user press a button, which opens a flush valve allowing mains-pressure water to flow into the bowl, or sometimes the user press directly a flush lever (a handle connected to a flush meter). The value contains a pneumatic mechanism that closes it after a reset time. Today, manual flush system has been replaced with a sensor operated system that automatically flushes the fixture when the user departs. The microcontroller based automatic flush system is infrared sensor to detect a user approaching the fixture, then it wait until the user departs. It also flushes before the person departs if the person is person for more than the preset time (5 minutes).
2014 |
46 |
MEMB1425 |
Abstract: LED-based moving- message displays are becoming popular for transmitting information to large groups of people quickly. These can be used indoors or outdoors. We can find such displays in areas like railway platforms, banks, public offices, hotels, training institutes, nightclubs and shops. Compared to LEDs, liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) are easy to interface with a microcontroller for displaying information as these have many built-in functions. But these can't be observed from a distance and large size LCDs are very costly. LED-based displays can be of two types: dot-matrix and segmental. If you implement a moving- message display with multiplexed dot- matrix LEDs, it will be very costly for displaying 16 characters or more at a time.
2014 |
47 |
MEMB1424 |
Abstract: The project – Metro train has been developed keeping in mind the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation scenario. The project targets to provide guidance to the passengers of the metro train. The LCD display informs about the upcoming station and guides them to get down at their destination.
2014 |
48 |
MEMB1423 |
Abstract: This project is based on AVR micro controller on which it will on buzzer for one second after each hour. It also on the alarm as per time specified and off after one second.
2014 |
49 |
MEMB1422 |
Abstract: We can use this project for lifting heavy material/ persons from one floor to another floor. It makes for 3 floors, as we press button for our required floor; it automatically goes to required floor.
2014 |
50 |
MEMB1421 |
Abstract: This project only open the gate when some one come without weapon, If it finds a person with weapon, it produce a sound as well as not open the gate, the system will open the gate and close for the visitors, automatically.
2014 |
51 |
MEMB1420 |
Abstract: This project is give sound when some one touches it.
2014 |
52 |
MEMB1419 |
Abstract: This project will give alarm when it detects fire “or” water full on the tank, and produce sound when some One come on the room.
2014 |
53 |
MEMB1418 |
Abstract: In highway road light is glow even, no motor or car on the highway. This will misuse of road light and electricity, it increase global warming, for overcome this problem we introduce this circuit. Project makes “power on” the some light when any vehicle is come and “power off” the some light when it passes through the sensor. And off the hole light in morning, and on the some light on night, so no darkness in the highway.
2014 |
54 |
MEMB1417 |
Abstract: This circuit can help you from the intruders and strangers. Very thin copper wire loop has to be wired around your house and if any of the copper wire loops is broken, the display the particular number of the loop with buzzer sound. If more than one loop are broken it will display the sum of their loops. (Wireless version also available). |
2014 |
55 |
MEMB1416 |
Abstract: It is an infra red receiver, it can on/off any device like radio, cooler, T.V, etc with the help of any Remote control of your home appliances.
2014 |
56 |
MEMB1415 |
Abstract: The high-power output obtained using a power amplifier stage allows a range of about 2 km for this FM transmitter. Reasonable good signal quality and strength are possible with little adjustments.
2014 |
57 |
MEMB1414 |
Abstract: It will display on led. How many water present in tank. Like low, mid and high. It also alarm you if water tank is full.
2014 |
58 |
MEMB1413 |
Abstract: This project open the unmanned railway crossing gate from the safe distance before train to near the gate, after train pass it will close the gate.
2014 |
59 |
MEMB1412 |
Abstract: For car protection, custom- made units are available but they are costly. Here's a circuit to protect car stereo, etc from pilferage that costs less and requires no adjustments in the car but a good car cover. Place the circuit at your bedside and bring the two wires from the unit to the car (parked outside your home) and connect one wire -end to the cover and the other to the ground, with both wire-ends shorted by some weight such as a brick. So outwardly the mechanism is not visible. If some one tries to remove the cover, the alarm of the circuit starts sounding to alert you. The alarm can be switched off by resetting it using switch S1.
2014 |
60 |
MEMB1411 |
Abstract: It will start motor automatically when no water on the soil, and make a off when no need of more water on the soil, it also display the water level in the plant.
2014 |
61 |
MEMB1410 |
Abstract: Security system for vehicles which generates a loud and continuous alarm in case of any unauthorized person getting access of your vehicle. As soon as, auto-lifter tries to start the vehicle alarm gets activated and buzzer gets on.
2014 |
62 |
MEMB1409 |
Abstract: Token Display System are ideal for Serving Counters in Offices, Banks, Airports, Doctors- Clinics, Restaurants and other such places where people have to wait in line for their turn. These systems allow customers to wait without having to stand in lines. It is very uses full item for service industries.
2014 |
63 |
MEMB1408 |
Abstract: Doorbell system work such that when someone presses your calling bell switch during the night, not only the bell rings but the bulb connected to it also glow. In order to turn the bulb off, just press the reset pushbutton switch provided in the circuit.
2014 |
64 |
MEMB1407 |
Abstract: This car parking guard circuit is basically an infrared active proximity detector. It will warn you when you will come very near to back side wall or other thing.
2014 |
65 |
MEMB1406 |
Abstract: Make your washbasin tap work automatically when you put your hands just below the water tap outlet. This infrared based system detects any interruption of the IR rays by your hands or utensil and water automatically starts flowing out of the tap.Electronic watchdog Here‟s an electronic watchdog for your house. That sound to in form you that somebody is at the gate. The circuit comprises a transmitter unit and a receiver unit, which are mounted face to face on the opposite pillars of the gate such that the IR beams gets interrupted when someone is standing at the gate or passing through it.
2014 |
66 |
MEMB1405 |
Abstract: This circuit serves dual purpose, depending upon intensity of light rays detected. One part of the circuit automatically detects darkness to switch „ON‟ a white bright LED which acts as night lamp. It‟s another part senses daylight to switch on a melodious music in the morning. No external DC power supply is required, as the circuit operates on direct AC power supply line. But, provision for battery backup is provided to power the circuit in case of mains failure.
2014 |
67 |
MEMB1404 |
Abstract: The circuit sounds an alarm when somebody tries to cut the luggage chain. Different sound effects like police siren, fire alarm, ambulance siren etc are possible after doing simple connections.
2014 |
68 |
MEMB1403 |
Abstract: Most thefts happen after midnight hours when people enter the second phase of sleep called 'paradoxical' sleep. Here is an energy-saving circuit that causes the thieves to abort the theft attempt by lighting up the possible sites of intrusion (such as kitchen or backyard of your house) at around1:00 am. It automatically resets in the morning.
2014 |
69 |
MEMB1402 |
Abstract: This timer gives alarm after a preset time period and a few beeps at half the selected time. The timer can be programmed for other time periods as well.
2014 |
70 |
Abstract: This fire detector circuit generates a loud and continuous alarm in case of fire. Here, a simple diode is used as fire sensor, the reverse resistance of which decreases with increasing temperature. The circuit triggers the alarm when temperature reaches above 70ºC level. This level can be easily adjusted to suit the needs. (IC BASED).
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